I am such a nerd, and I would love you to tie me up in my rubber body-bag, and beat the shit out of me, make me suck your dick, piss and come in the bag, until I'm in danger of drowning...would you like such absolute power, such total control, over a natural 'enemy'? Put the "fear of God" in him? Lead him to believe he was never getting out of the bag? Now that's REAL power, for a REAL man...you could probably even make me pay you. What about it?
I would never point out your spelling and grammar errors because it's not nice to make fun of retards. It's actually quite admirable that you are writing considering your mental disability. It's like watching a monkey use tools for the first time.
This is so funny! Someone made you feel stupid and all you can do is threaten to beat them up, which you can't do. I bet you're making fists because you can't do shit about it. Go to the gym and work it off. Hulk smash! HAHAHA
Wow I find it pathetic you people are getting so defensive over some special snowflake fucktard with daddy issues and what makes you think they can't beat them up you're also talking shit behind a computer do the world a favor and go die of Covid-19 and by the way I find it also pathetic that you would call others retards as well like how old are you anyways I bet you were dropped on your head when you were born and that your parents are cousins. This is the problem with Adult Confessions any of you fucktards thinks it's ok to comment with the mentality of a toddler. I bet you all are Trump supporters are you? Go figure please do the world a favor number 2 and 3 and please go die of COVID-19 you worthless fucktards.
This should be posted under Gay Stories. OP, finish 6th grade first, then come back and we'll talk.
To No. 1....I don't think he's the man for you, unfortunately...real sexual sadists and control freaks, are pretty thin on the ground these days...good luck with finding the real thing...try retired - or fired - corrections officers, or other law-enforcement guys, including Military Police...been my experience the right guy is probably smallish, elderly, looks like a bureaucrat, glasses, Hitler mustache, and desperate to control someone, within an inch of their very life, often. It's my guess you might spend a LONG time in your rubber bag, as he savors your gradually growing realization that he CAN keep you like that, for just as long as he wants, rather than what you want...be careful what you wish for...
To #6 - hey, I'll take the risk...! guess the original post came from some all-talk guy who doesn't recognize a bargain when he sees it...pity
OP how old were you when you moved out of your parents house? 29?
There should be a law against letting mentally retard or mentally ill using internet. Or some of them, by their doctors permission, could use absolutely necessary sites like online bank sites. OPs problem would be solved.