I Hated Him
That first time burnt in my memory....We stopped at the bait store for cane polls,worms,and two six packs Canadian Ace beer..My first beer..I choked down two that made my world spin around.
I hated what he made me do with him..It was always disgusting him on my back.sweating,grunting,smelling his beer breath,feeling him deep in my guts.My body betrayed me by cumming..The first cum of my life..Oh I'd jacked myself sniffing moms panties in the past but had never really ejaculated until that day with him up in me. It hurt yet felt good at the same time.
Afterward he'd say he was sorry and beg me not to tell Which open ed the door for me to get whatever I wanted from him..
This went on for years even after I was in high school fucking everything that walked....I got this feeling of dread when dad would say uncle Billy was coming....
My secret thing he created...My whole life no matter how much pussy I'm getting I masturbate anally usually with a RC cola bottle or other penis shaped object at the time. I was always getting cucumbers from the garden..Now in my sixties it more realistic toys.Anal orgasms are whole body orgasms much different than pussy or jacking off..Many times I've told myself no more,not going to do it anymore...to only give in to the craving days later.
I hated him..... but never told on him.
My first young bride was a shotgun wedding because her daddy caught me between her yyoung legs....I would later find out others were fucking her because I tasted their cum in her while eating her pussy..Got lots of stories of she and I sexing with others before we divorced
Thanks to uncle billy for forcing me to swallow his load on his visits I know what cum tastes like.
Recently its the xxx movie place with glory holes. I really hate uncle Billy and what I've morphed into in deep secret..I disgust myself... I really hated him.