Share your stories of revenge and let the world know that you don't tolerate being mistreated.

Whether it's a cheating partner, a deceitful friend, or a dishonest colleague, your retribution will be merciless. You know how the saying goes, "revenge is a dish best served cold," but it's also a powerful motivator. Tell us how you took matters into your own hands and got even with your enemies.

The Retaliation Warriors of are eager to hear your story.

My mother-in-law never liked the idea of me of dating her son and marrying him when I was 18 and Bob was 21. When we got together for dinner she never spoked to me. I was stuck cleaning up and dish washing duty. Bob's father was nice and friendly to me and help with the dish washing. When we got together with family over the holidays, Brenda, Bob's mother always stood back giving me the evil eye. I was getting tired of this crap.

I noticed, Dave, Bob's father was getting a bit more attentive with me. While washing dishes he placed his hand on my butt. "I envy my son", he would say and laugh. I had an idea of revenge towards Brenda. While in the kitchen alone Dave and I started groping each other and kissing. We would sneak into the bathroom together where I sucked off Dave. One day Bob and his mother went to the stores shopping. A thought went thru my head. My husband and his mother sure likes being together. Bob always asked me for us to go to his folk's place. Anyway while they were gone, this was my chance to fuck Dave. We went into the bedroom and fucked like rabbits. I banged Dave every chance I had. Knowing how Brenda hates me, this would really freak her out, me banging her husband and getting my revenge at her.

A month went by since I took Dave's pounding and that Sunday when we all was suppose to be going to church together, Dave and I skipped out. No sooner as we began our screwing, Brenda comes in and screams, "Peg! You whore! First you take away my son and now you and my husband are fucking!" " I can play that game too!" Then she told her husband not to say a freaking word on what he about to see. She called my husband Bob into the bedroom. "Bob honey, get your dick out for mom", Brenda said. Dave and I were both stunned. My husband kept this dark secret from me and his Dad. Now I knew why they spent time together and Dave figured out why he wasn't getting much from Brenda.

We watched Brenda suck on my husband. "Peg, show how good you can suck a dick", Dave said. They undressed and join us in bed. AS Bob was pounding my mother-in-law, his dad was pounding me. "Fuck that slut David, fuck her good!" said Brenda to her husband. As my father-in-law was pounding me, my mother-in-law straddled across my face forcing me to eat her. Bob was pulling on my nipples with his mouth. I began to enjoy all this. So did Bob and his parents.

Instead of us doing over to their place, Brenda and Dave visits us with open arms. Brenda is as sweet as can be to me. On holidays when members of the family leave, we have our own private get togethers.

  • I was 17 when I got druck and stripped at party I shouldn't have gone too. These girls from my high school did it because they were always calling me a cock teaser. I remember they dragged me into a room, forcefully took my clothes told boys to perform oral sex on me. I don't even remember how many boys had a go on me. I only know I din't drink that much that night a later when I sobered up wasn't even sure it happed.

    In my 20s and 30s I lived in a mining town in west Australia , my ex and I had a couple same age as us as good friends who we associated with a lot . Well the wife of friend was a petite thing who was a major cock tease but would never follow through on anything even know she knew I wanted to fuck her . On one of our regular game nights she was going hard on the teasing knowing I was getting worked up , she would sit in a position where I could see her knickers and when no one was looking she would part her legs knowing I had a perfect view up her short skirt. Well on this occasion she had pulled her knickers together so the lips of her balled vagina were showing around the material. She thrived on the fact I couldn't touch her . Well it was my turn to go and make drinks in kitchen so if I went but got a wicked thought in my head , I made the drinks and dropped my cock in her glass squeezing my cock to allow my flowing pre cum to join her drink , gave the drink a good stir as there was a fair bit and went back to join game . She downed drink without any idea it was laced . I offered to make next drinks as I made excuse to go check on kids and would make on way back . Well I went straight to bath room pulled my cock out and blew a load in hand heading straight back to make drinks adding this time a good load of cum to glass mixed it in and back to game . Again she downed drink without any knowledge she had just swallowed my load , now it was my turn to grin ... to this day I'm sure she has no idea she has swallowed my load on more than one occasion as I repeated the event on several games nights over years .

  • I've been married to the same woman for 40 years. Over the last few years her drinking has grown to be real problem. The only sex we have is when I wait for her to pass out and then it's a one sided process.

    I had read about Ambien and how people use it for sex, it's supposed to make women horny and take away their inhibitions, boy was that an understatement.

    So I got ahold of a couple of pills and waited for Saturday night, when she really ties one on. I crushed up one tablet and dropped it in her beer. It took only about 10 minutes before I started to notice the affects, he speech was normal but what she was saying didn't make sense. I helped her to the bedroom, and as she was setting on the bed she told me she wanted to suck my dick. Now I get a blow job once in awhile but I have to beg for it. I dropped my shorts and got on the bed with her. She took my dick in her mouth and gave me the best BJ I ever had. I told her I was ready to cum, normally that's when she stops but not this time she just keep going until I blew a huge load in her mouth. She turned to me smiled and swallowed every drop lick me clean then rolled over and went to sleep.

    The next morning I told her thank you and she said for what? I told her what she did, she got angry called me a liar and we had a big fight. Now I'm pissed and thinking of how to get even with her.

    I went to the local sex shop and bought a strap on with two rubber dicks one is 9 inches the other is 12 inches and huge. I got two more pills and waited for Saturday again.
    Crushed both pills dropped it in her beer and it was on, she started talking and started talking back, I told her I was going to use the strap on and tear her pussy up with it, she looked at me and said what are you waiting for. I took to the bedroom, put on some lubrication and shoved the smaller one all the way in. She moaned and started fucking me back, saying how good it felt and to do it harder. After ten minutes or so I got off her and switched out to the huge one. I shoved it in and hit bottom, I told her to hold her legs higher so she could take it all. I pounded her c**t hard she had several orgasms. I got my camera out and started video me pounding her with this huge rubber dick and she started cumin over and over.

    Fast forward to the next morning, we get up and while having coffee she says she is a little sore down there.

    I can't wait to post the videos on any site I can find, I still haven't said a word about what I did to her. I watch the videos and jack off weekly now after she passes out drunk.

    My wife of 40 years has a drinking problem, I was tired of her just passing out and laying there. I got a couple of Ambien 10mg and crushed them up and added to her drink. I had heard that it will make you horny, I had no idea what was about to happen. She tried to stand up and stated to fall, I caught her and helped her to bed. She said take my clothes off and fuck me, she doesn't use that word ever. So I got her clothes of and she started rubbing her pussy and talking dirty to me, again she never uses that kind of language. She sucked my dick and made me cum, she lapped up every drop and swallowed it all, new thing again but wow it was good. She fell asleep and the next morning didn't remember anything as I told her said I was a liar and got mad and we had a big fight about it. Now I'm pissed, I go out and find a 9" strap on and more Ambien. The next weekend I'm ready, she gets drunk as usual and I get to work, we get to bed she's horny I put on the new toy lube it up and fuck her pussy hard and deep, she has several orgasm. Next morning she says she sore down there and I tell her we had a good time. During the next week I find a huge 12" strap on to add to our sessions. Same thing happens and this time I film me fucking her pussy with this huge rubber dick that I cannot believe she is taking and talking about how good it feels and she keeps saying "do it harder". I can't wait to try something new on her, any ideas?

  • Yes, I got what I still consider sweet revenge 6 years ago. It seems my wife of 10 years at that time who supported me in my work and always drove me to do better, get promotions, work overtime or extended hours, and apply myself to business only. A personal relationship could wait so that pretty much meant that sex was not that often. Either no time or I was wore out. She never seemed to mind and always told me that sex just wasn't that important.

    I learned it was all bull shit. She just wanted me away so she could play. That sex thing being not so important, well she was getting it 3 to 4 times a week. The more I was away or busy, the more time she had to play. Just not play with me.

    I learned about her escapades totally by accident. I actually was having lunch at a diner when the two guys next to me started talking about this super sexy lady they had met and how she loved cock, especially two at once. It was some really exotic talk. Then one of the guys mention her name, Jenny. Sure, there are a million Jennys so it didn't really register. Not until they mentioned that she lived on the same street we did. It seemed it was getting narrowed down now but still not putting the dots together. One of the guys eventually mentioned the dangerous looking scorpion tattoo above her pussy. Oh my god. My Jenny has a mean looking scorpion tattoo right above her pussy she got before we ever met. Same street, same tattoo, same name. It has to be.

    I decided to get a bit brave and faced the two guys. Excuse me, I said. I'm sorry but I overheard a bit if your conversation. Would you happen to be talking about that hot Jenny Woman who lives over on Washington St. Yeah, one guy answered. Do you know her. I looked at them and answered, I think so. Brown hair with reddish streaks? Yeah was the immediate answer. I continued, yeah, I know the one. Great lay. For sure, was their reply. I excused myself and said I had to get back to work, which I did.

    My heart breaking and my mind racing. How, why, what about me? I got finished with work and left for home. It was late evening when I got there. All afternoon my mind was racing with thoughts of my wife with other men. How could I have not known? Why is she doing this to me? I decided that I wasn't going to say anything just yet because I just wanted to investigate further to be absolutely sure even though I think I already was.

    My day off is Sunday so early that morning I suggested the 2 if us do some steaks on the grill. We didn't have any steaks or even charcoal inntge house so I suggested she go to the butchers and get some steaks and then the store to pick up the other things we would need. She whined a bit but eventually said OK and headed out. I knew I had at least an hour and a half before she would return. My chance to snoop through her things. I started immediately with her dresser. Plenty of fancy panties I had never seen before but that didn't surprise me. I seldom seen her panties. Another drawer held some treasure fir me. It was loaded with fancy, folded just right, lingere. I had never seen a single one of them before. If we had sex she just removed a pajama and we did it. I moved on to the closet. A few boxes but as U opened them I found one containing wrist and ankle restraints. There was also a blindfold and a ball gag. Some kind if small wheel with sharp points on a handle, a glove with what looked like tacks coming out it's palm, and sone small clams connected to each other by a thin chain. I swear I have never seen a single item before that was in that box. It would seem my wife has a life I know nothing of. Needless to say, I was getting pissed but knew I had to think this through. Ine thing for sure, I was finished with her.

    She arrived home with the steaks and things and I did my best to act normal. I did burn the steaks though. That evening my plan was starting to come into my head. I asked her what she thought about a weekend away. I told her I needed a break and woukd take vacation Friday and Saturday so we could go stay in a hotel for the weekend. She was hesitant at first but finally gave in. I suggested a place and she agreed.

    The next Friday we were headed to our weekend getaway. Arriving late afternoon I checked in and requested a ground floor room facing the street. It was a busy noisy street but that fit right into my plans. Checked in and decided to have dinner at the hotel. That evening we went out and walked through a really fancy mall. Around 10 PM we got back to the hotel. The street was still noisy and busy and I liked that. She hated it and told me to go and change rooms. I pretended to go and after a bit cane back and reported they couldn't change the room. They were full up but if they had a cancelation tye 2nd night they would be happy to change us. She accepted that. We went to bed and I tried to fool around but she was too tired. We went to sleep.

    The second we spent the day out checking out a park and took in some sights. Had a nice lunch and dinner. We returned to the hotel about 7 PM. Once in the room I told her that I would check if anyone canceled. When I returned, I informed her there was none. She didn't like that. I took a shower and she followed me when I finished. She layed down and started watching the TV. I suggested we watch some porn. I had brought along a flash drive with some on it that fits in all the TVs. She seemed interested in that. She was wearing a long pajama top and me my underwear. I slipped in the drive and chose it to play. The movie started and it began with some people sitting around. I got into bed next to her. The group on the screen then started ganging up on the girl and started restraining her with ropes and things. I expected my wife to protest my selection of porn but I was wrong. She just starred at the screen. She was getting into it. I asked her if she ever was tied up. She told me a long time ago before we met. I walked over to my suitcase and started pulling out all the items I found in the box in the closet. He eyes got wide but before she could say I told her that it was great she still gad a desire for it with these things she must have just picked up for us. I told her it is something I had wanted to try with her for a long time. She now knew she didn't need to come up with any excuses and she looked a bit interested.

    I restrained her hands first and used some rope I had fortunantly brought along to secure them straight above her head. I then blindfolded her. I stopped restraing and played with her nipples. I srarted pinching them back and forth. Each time a bit harder. I then just opened and put the clamps on them when there were nice and erect and hard. She asked what for as she tried to move away from the second clamp. She complained they hurt and wanted them off. I ignored her. With the clamps now in place I put the restraints on her ankles. She widened her legs so I could put the ropes so her legs were held open. Too bad, that wasn't my plan. I pulled one leg and tied tye rope to the headboard. She was complaining as I lifted tye second leg up and secured it in place. She niw had her hands above her head out of reach of each other so she couldn't open the restraints and her two legs up over her head too but spread out. She was complaining like crazy about not being comfortable. To change it. I leaned over her face and put the ball gag in her mouth. She was still being noisy so I picked up the panties she had worn and stuffed some of ..(continue confession)