This category is for all of the cringe-worthy and heart-wrenching dating stories that didn't quite have a fairytale ending. Share the worst dates you've ever had, from awkward conversations to bizarre situations, or the dates that went from bad to worse in a matter of minutes. Confess your own dating mishaps and disasters, or the cringe-worthy experiences you've witnessed others endure. Share your tales of love gone awry.

My Old Friend

I met my friend in August of 2022. We met over a fandom for a YouTuber we both liked, we'd talk, shade headcanons, write, and the like. She was wonderful. She was perfect, so sweet and kind, loving, caring, passionate.

Around that time I started cutting and I'd always tell her about it, always wanting her sympathy, her pity. She said she didn't want to hear about it, but I pressed forward anyways. She said she didn't want to be a therapist, but I continued on. I never knew until later that she struggled with the same things and my actions made her relapse. I could have killed her with my actions. She could have gone too deep or starved too much, I could have killed her. I'm lucky she's even still alive. She was strong enough to never tell me any of this until nearly a year later meanwhile I told her about every tiny thing that happened to me.

I'm not good at controlling my emotions. Every little thing feels like the end of the world to me. Hell, today I cried and was shaking too much to do anything because I mixed up some chemicals and grabbed the wrong concentration and messed up a titration in chem and my lab partner was understandably upset at me. I cried to my friend over my Keurig breaking, over taco bell fucking up my order, cut myself over not knowing how to do math homework, that's the level of dramatic and fragile I am. And she, so patiently and lovingly, put up with all this shit. She was the only one who would. She felt like a perfect angel.
Of course I fell in love with her.

Something in my mind at some point, I don't know where, just seemed to break. I saw her as this absolutely perfect, flawless angel. Someone above me, someone above feeling the ways I do, someone so perfect she couldn't possibly be upset by me. So I put more and more on my angel. She can't feel bad, she's perfect. It's wrong, but that's how my mind was working. I still see her as someone so beautiful and amazing.

I professed my love to her. She didn't want it. But I pushed her on, continually telling her I loved her, over and over again professing my feelings and pretty much BEGGING for her to love me back. She didn't want it yet I pressed on, spamming her with love declarations at LEAST weekly, hoping that maybe someday she'd change her mind.

This went on for months. I wanted her to take care of me. I didn't want to get better because I liked things the way they were. The hurt, sad girl who everyone gives attention to became all I am and all I know about myself. She was my giver, my provider, all I needed in the world. I obsessed over her. I begged her to come let me live with her because I wanted her (I've never met her in real life, we only know each other online. I didn't even know what she looks like.) And I begged for her to come to me, I even looked at Amtrak between our cities so I could get to her. She didn't want me. I wanted her. I was addicted to her attention and her pity and would do ANYTHING to get a hit. I continued to tell her every little thing I felt, every little thing I did. I needed her attention and validation to feel whole.

But that's not even the end of it. No, she was either perfect or evil to me. And whatever set me to treating her like my perfect savior angel, it all came crashing back down in reverse. All over YouTube drama. Raincandy-Angel. The moment she did something I didn't perceive as perfect, I snapped. That YouTube channel we both like had been called out for abuse of people behind the scenes and I said it was unacceptable to keep watching and giving exposure to them, she said I should just let people enjoy things. I made an angry post about how everyone who liked that channel was enabling the abuse, got banned from the community, and I was desperate to come back. They were my only friends.

I made an alt account to pretty much stalk my angel, I was jealous and controlling and paranoid over her finding someone better than me and leaving me now that she was upset at me. I joined back in the servers I wasn't allowed in. I listened in to a call she was in. At the same time, I was messaging her on my main account, pretty much yelling at her about how she's funding and platforming an abuser. On my alt, I would act all sweet, I knew my relationship with her was already ruined so I thought if I became someone else, someone better, someone ideal, she'd love me.

This was the end for us. She found me out and completely cut me off, then later I was sent a document detailing everything I've done.

  • Our Welcoming Neighbors

    Me and my BF (29) were moving into a new apartment on a country sided town a couple of months ago. Quite lovely place, with a nice garden attached to another house, so we kinda shared the garden lot.

    We met our new neighbors pretty much right away when we moved into our new home. Sabrina and Tom, both in their 50's and a real pleasure to be around with. Probably haven't seen another couple that happy being married ever.
    It was super enjoyable being around them as well, they were very open minded and told us about how they loved sharing sexual experiences with their friends.

    Even we shared some of our secrets, but we both were holding back on what our desires were.
    That evening my BF and i talked alot about our sex life and how it's been a bit stale and that we both need some more spice in our sexlife. We're both bisexual or at least interested at that time, so it was more about finding the right partners.

    We both visited Sabrina and Tom a lot, they were super welcoming and fun to be around and we didn't know any other folks in town, so we just hung out with them. The conversations always were a little naughty in retrospective, but my BF liked it and i did too. Kind of the humor you just go with, but a little awkward if you aren't used to it.

    One night, like 3 months ago, they threw a house party for their birthdays, so we got over, had some bbq and enjoyed our time with them in the pool, when Sabrina was getting undressed and Tom was fucking her inside of their pool. My BF and I got extremly horny as well and started making out right next to them in their pool. They pretty much approached right after telling us to "join their "fun" tonight". We kinda looked at us for a second but both agreed to join since it sounded super exciting...

    We got out of the pool area and Sabrina took me with her to the bathroom and Tom took my BF to the bedroom. She grabbed me hard with her hands and told me that her man was gonna fuck my BF and she will fuck me before we all join back together...
    She dominated me hard, telling me to lick her pussy for a long time, then her asshole. I loved it, a grown up women telling me what to do, was super hot for me to experience. She squirted into my face after penetrating me with her pussy and grabbed my hand to take me to their bedroom.
    My BF was lying butt naked on their bed getting fucked by Tom while Sabrina and I watched and kissed for a bit. She told me that Tom loves to fuck younger boys anal and that she likes to watch it and that shes glad to have a little slut(me) by her side now to enjoy the show.
    I never was so attracted and hot at any time before. My BF getting fucked hard, him moaning and wanting this old mans dick got me so wet. Sabrina took care of me as well while we were watching Tom and my BF getting on.

    We stayed that night and made it into a group orgy of sorts. My BF came to me directly after the night and told me that he wants to be fucked again and if I agree... I said i was comfy when i can join. Months have passed and we visit them almost every day. He's getting fucked by Tom and ill be the whore for Sabrina. Sometimes we fuck together, but rarely its me and my BF alone. He also told me recently that hes much more into getting pounded by a dick and tbf i enjoy Sabrina more than any dick they could give me.
    At this point it feels like we only in to the relationship with a "getting fucked by others" mindset, but... we both love it... so idk if thats wrong or anything.